Jarek in the Batschka

Jarek in the Batschka   The information that appears in this article finds its source in several publications but primarily the Heimatbuch that was published by the Village Association of Jarek.   The picturesque Danube Swabian village of Jarek was located 15 kilometres from Novi Sad in present day Serbia.  In 1937 there were a…

Franzfeld in the Banat

Franzfeld in the Banat   The source of the information in this article is “Franzfeld 1792-1945 Geschichte einer donauschwäbischen Grossgemeinde im Banat” published in Reutlingen in 1982 by the Franzfelder Kulturelle Interesssengemeinschaft e.V.   Franzfeld’s origins as a Danube Swabian community begins with the arrival of settlers from Baden, Württemberg, Alsace-Lorraine and Switzerland on June…

Betschmen in Srem

Betschmen in Srem (1784-1984)   The following is a summary and partial translation of the village Heimatbuch published in 1984.   The Military Frontier District was a defensive system the Habsburgs established to hold back any future attacks or invasions by the Turks after the liberation of Hungary.  The first settlement in this territory took…

Siwatz in the Batschka

Siwatz in the Batschka   The following article is a condensed version and translation of various portions of “Siwatz 1786-1944” published by Pannonia Verlag, Freilassing, 1963 on behalf of their Village Association.   Siwatz, which was also known as Neusiwatz, was established in 1786 in the Batschka as part of the settlement programme of Joseph…

Kucura in the Batschka

Kucura in the Batschka 1803-1944   The panic stricken German population of Kucura joined the wagon treks fleeing from the Batschka on October 8, 1944.  This included 164 males and 315 females.  A total of 497 persons.  There were five men who had remained behind in Kucura who were later deported to the Soviet Union…

Bonyhádvarasd in Tolna County

Bonyhádvarasd in Tolna County   This article provides a summary of some of the information provided in Heimatbuch von Bonyhád/Warasch published in Budapest in 1995.   As the Habsburg rulers responded to the need to resettle, cultivate and develop the wastelands of Hungary after the defeat and withdrawal of the Turks from the scene after…