Cikó in Tolna County

Cikó in Tolna County   The following article is a summary of “Cikó:  Ein Heimatbuch über die Ortsgeschichte unsere Dorfes in Ungarn” compiled by Adreas Reder and published in 1999.   Located in the lofty hills of southern Tolna County, Cikó lies six kilometres away from Bonyhád to which it has gravitated throughout its history. …

Syrem, Slavonia, Baranya

Syrem, Slavonia, Baranya The Cauldron Srem:  When the Beasts Ruled “Whoever cannot work will not be allowed to live”       Semlin       The German population in Srem and Slavonia was scattered and isolated and lived among Croats and Serbs who formed a majority in the mixed communities in which many of them lived.  But alongside…

Völkermord der Tito-Partisanen

Völkermord der Tito-Partisanen 1944-1948 sterreichische Historiker-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Kärnten und Steiermark Translated by Henry Fischer Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans 1944-1948 Chapter One General Introduction   There were approximately one half of a million persons of German origin living in Yugoslavia before the Second World War according to the census of March 31, 1931. …

Bickács In the Tolna

Bickács In the Tolna  The founding of Bikács by the High Sheriff of Tolna County, Baron Joseph Rudnyansky, officially began with the arrival of Heidebauern Lutherans in the early part of the 18th Century.  These pioneering families undertook all of the tasks and struggles associated with  settlement in an area that had become a total…

Deporation and Expulsion of the Hungarian Germans

The Expulsion and Deportation of the German Hungarians of Gyönk  in Swabian Turkey   The submission that follows is based on my translation of portions of Zur Vertreibung und Verschleppung der Ungarndeutschen aus der Schwäbischen Türkei unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ortes Gyönk/Jink by Josef Kiss published in München 1995 by the Donauschwäbisches Archiv.   Swabian…

Deportation to Slave Labour in Russia

  The following information is based on a summary and my translation of Die Verschleppung ungarnländische Deutschen 1944/1945 that first appeared in Hungarian and was translated into German in an unpublished manuscript that came into my possession without the name of the author.    With only a few exceptions Hungarian historians have only recently acknowledged that…