Germans of Hungary in the Waffen-SS (4)

                                                                          Part Four    Before we can present a description and chronology of the recruitment and enlistment drive for the Waffen-SS carried out by the Volksbund in Hungary it is important that we distinguish between the character and role of the SS (Schutzstaffel) and the Waffen-SS. Despite numerous investigations, scientific research and scholarly studies there…

Germans of Hungary in the Waffen-SS (3)

                                                                  Part Three    The occupation of Denmark and Norway on June 17th and the French surrender on June 22nd led to reconciliation between the Bund and the Arrow Cross Party in light of the German victories.  Basch reported, “To all intents and purposes Hungary could easily be brought under the influence of Germany if…

Germans of Hungary in the Waffen-SS (2)

                                                            Part Two    We are now in a much better position to be able to reconstruct the historical events and dynamics that were at work in the time frame between the First and Second World Wars and its impact on the German minority in Hungary.  Complex developments between the various states involved and their…

Germans of Hungary in the Waffen-SS

 The source of the information found in this article is taken from my translation and summarization of major portions of Die Ungardeutshen in Der Waffen-SS by Johann Böhm published by the Verlag des Arbeitskreises für Geschichte und Kultur der deutschen Sielungsgebiete im Südosten Europas e.V. in Ippesheim 1990.    As a result of the Treaty…

Formerly Unknown Secret SS Reports

 This article is my attempt to summarize the salient points raised in Anton Scherer’s study published in German in Graz, Austria in 1990 under the title “Unbekannte SS-Geheimberichte Űber die Evakuierung der Südostdeutschen im Oktober und November 1944 Sowie Űber die Politische Lage in Rumänien, Ungarn, der Slovakei, im Serbischen Banat und im “Unabhänigen Staat…

Bulkes in the Batschka

   The following information is a summary and translation of various portions of the Bulkes Heimatbuch published by the Heimatsausschusses Bulkes in 1984.    Bulkes is located in the Batschka some 30 kilometres north west of Neusatz and south of Torschau and also in close proximity to Altker and Schowe.    After the liberation of…

Cacinci in Slavonia

Čačinci in Slavonia  A Summary of the Heimatbuch: Čačinci und seine Donauschwaben Translated byHenry A. Fischer    Slavonia was part of the Triple Kingdom of Croatia:  Croatia-Dalmatia-Slavonia.  The first king of Croatia was Tomislav (910-928) who received his crown from the Pope in 924.  When the dynasty lacked a male heir, Hungary objected to the “elected” king,…

Fifty Years After: Part Three

Fifty Years After  By George KaiserDüsseldorf    We arrived in the Ural Mountains on March 7, 1945.  It was a frigid day at 30 degrees below zero.  Rows of trucks brought us forced laborers to the camp.  We were on the last cattle car and had to wait the longest.  They took the others from…