Family Origins of Settlers in Kistormas

As indicated in the title of this article the following information comes from the Church Record transcriptions of the late Johann Müller of Bietigheim/Bissingen.

Barth, Johann Georg of Henneberg in Hessen married Magdalena Immel in Kistormás on 19.04.1774.

Birkenstock, Johann Conrad was born in Rainrod-Schwalm in Hessen where he married his wife Anna Elisabeth Keil before emigrating to Hungary.

Bitz, Elisabeth Margaret of Dagenfeld in Hessen married Johann Carl Marburger in Kistormás on 10.02.1778.

Bohm, Stefan born in Hermannstadt, Siebenbürgen (Transylvania) married Anna Elisabeth Wascher in Kistormás on 11.02.1812.

Bohmann, Philip from Berstein in the Burgenland married Julianna Oberlander in Kistormás on 14.02.1775.

Brauer, Martin of the city of Ödenburg in Sopron County married Gertraut Heller in Kistormás on 18.12.1766.

Braun, Anna Maria born in Angersbach in Hessen married Johannes Schneider in Kistormás on 05.06.1767.

Braun, Friedrich from Grossberg in Hessen married Maria Catharina Landmann in Kistormás on 25.10.1774.

Bremmer, Johannes of Durlach in Hessen married Maria Elisabeth Sommer in Kistormás on 02.01.1753.

Bruder, Johann Just was living in Hidas after emigrating to Hungary from Wolfingen when he married Elisabeth Ruppert on 29.01.1750 in Kistormás.

Burkhardt, Daniel from Follern in Hessen had a son baptized in Kistormás on 14.04.1726.

Butter, Anna Dorothea from Fischbach, Hessen married Johann Heinrich Henning a     widower in Kistormás on 10.01.1775.

Dechert, Johann Heinrich from Rainrod, Hessen married Elisabeth Kehl in Kistormás on 12.07.1752.

Deutsch, Anna Barbara of Neukirchen in the Bishopric of Fulda married Johannes Meng a widower in Kistormás on 09.01.1776.

Diehl, David Ernst from Breslau in Germany married Anna Barbara Schmidt in Kistormás on 11.05.1773.

Echard, Maria Barbara of Rinkenberg in Hessen married Johannes Spitznagel of Kéty in Kistormás on 06.06.1775.

Edler, Johann Peter of Dauernheim in Hessen married Anna Maria Schönfeld in Kistormás on 22.01.1753.

Enkemeyer, Adam from Neuenkirchen-Ziegenhausen in Hessen married Maria Gertraut Schönfeld in Kistormás on 05.09.1775.

Erdmann, Johann from Heiligenkreuz in the Burgenland married Margaret Salbert in Kistormás on 25.05.1765.

Faust, Jakob Philip’s wife Margaret Gertraut died on 20.095.1754 and had been born in Dorndorf, Hessen Nassau.

Fecher, Tobias of Eisleben, Saxony married Margaret a widow in Kistormás on 05.06.1764.

Filsinger, Matthias was born in Wandorf, Sopron County, Hungary around 1769 and died in Kistormás on 28.11.1854.

Frank, Johann Georg was born in Ulrichstein on 20.02.1726 and first settled in Szarázd on his arrival in Hungary.

Friedrich, Andreas was born in Lorsch in Hessen on 29.08.1703 and married Anna Cunigunde Kingel in Kistormás on 26.02.1726.

Frohlich, Conrad from Obergleen in Hessen, a widower married Anna Catharina Klein in Kistormás on 15.11.1750.

Frohlich, Johannes of Obergleen in Hessen married Elisabeth Margaret Schmidt in Kistormás on 28.11.1754.

Gitz, Heinrich Martin was born in Mosbach in Baden on 06.06.1706 where he married Maria Catharina before leaving for Hungary.

Graulich, Johann Heinrich of Burgenmunden in Hessen living in Felsönána married Anna Maria Becker in Kistormás on 12.02.1788.

Gring, Christine of Steinbach in Hessen married Adolf Kesserling in Kistormás on 27.11.1787.

Günther, Johann was born in Obergleen, Hessen on 10.01.1722 and married Anna Elisabeth Grünwald in Kistormás on 01.02.1752.

Günther, Johann Conrad was born in Obergleen, Hessen on 22.11.1727.  He married Elisabeth Catharina Heller in Kistormás on 26.11.1754.

Heller, Elisabeth Catharina was born in Nordens, Hessen on 05.12.1736 and married Johann Conrad Günther in Kistormás on 26.11.1754.

Hartenstein, Heinrich Johann was born in Arnshain on 21.02.1697 where his wife Elisabeth Menges was also born on 11.04.1692.

Herrenbrod, Conrad of Dauernheim in Hessen married Anna Margaret Ermel in Kistormás on 276.11.1754.

Hoffmann, Johann Kaspar living in Kéty after arriving in Hungary from Bruckenheim in Hessen married Dorothea Geiger in Kistormás on 23.06.1772.

Homl, Georg of Homberg an der Ohm married Catharina Ehrlebruch of Felsönána in Kistormás on 29.11.1747.

Immel, Magdalena from Hennenbachberg in Hessen married Johann Georg Barth in Kistormás on 19.04.1774.

Kirchner, Jakob was born in Bellingen in the Duchy of Hanau and married Anna Elisabeth Müller in Kistormás on 16.03.1764.

Kisster (Küsster), Johannes from Obergleen in Hessen married Anna Elisabeth Grünwald in Kistormás on 01.02.1752.

Klein, Elisabeth Margaret was born in Igstadt bei Wiesbaden on 06.01.1707 the daughter of Peter Klein and his wife Anna Christine Pfeiffer.  She married Johann Peter Müller in Kistormás on 05.11.1737.

Klein, Peter was born around 1672 at Igstadt bei Wiesbaden where he married Anna Christine Pfeiffer on 25.11.1700.  He died in Kistormás on 09.02.1747 while his wife preceded him on 10.01.1741.

Klein, Friedrich Philip of Igstadt bei Wiesbaden married Maria Clara Heinemann in Kistormás on 22.11.1759.

Kniess, Johannes Heinrich was born around 1725 in Sellnrod, Hessen and married Veronika Seim on 05.11.1754.

Kriegshammer, Christoph of Hoff in Bayern married Anna Maria Wumpel in Kistormás on 09.11.1773.

Kriessel, Peter was born in Kloppenheim in Hessen Nassau and married Susanne Margaret Weisskopf in Kistormás on 16.02.1773.

Lang, Maria Elisabeth of Kriegsleben in Saxony married Johann Philip Theiss in Kistormás in 1745.

Lindemann, Johann Reinhard came from Dauernheim in Hessen and married Elisabeth Schmidt in Kistormás on 08.01.1754.

Loser, Johann Adam of Darmstadt married Anna Elisabeth Lapp in Kistormás on 03.06.1762.

Lotz, Anna Barbara of Wollenroth married Johann Jakob Faust of Felsönána in Kistormás on 24.08.1756.

Marburger, Johann Carl of Dagenfeld in Hessen married Elisabeth Margaret Bitz in Kistormás on 10.02.1778.

Mosser, Johann Heinrich born around 1749 in Kloppenheim, Hessen Nassau died in Kistormás on 13.12.1773.

 Müller, Johann Nicolaus born around 1782 in Sachsenhausen in Bohemia died in Kistormás on 20.06.1830. 

Müller, Johann Peter was born on 27.09.1720 in Breckenheim the son of Johann Heinrich Müller and Sabine Margaret Reuter who married in Breckenheim on 05.02.1704.  He married Elisabeth Margaret Klein in Kistormás on 05.11.1737.

Müller, Johannes of Lehrbach, Hessen married Catharina Barbara Bitz in Kistormás on 02.01.1753.

Nagel, Anna Julianna of Kirchengemund in Hessen married Johann Kaspar Zarth of Felsönána in Kistormás on 10.06.1756.

Nitschinger, Johannes from Zurndorf in Moson County Hungary married Anna Maria Reutter in Kistormás on 20.02.1753.

 Oberlander, Johann Ludwig of Leistadt in Hessen married Anna Appollonia Krauss in Kistormás on 22.04.1755.  

Pfeiffer, Anna Christine was born around 1675 in Igstadt bei Wiesbaden and married Peter Klein there on 25.11.1700.  Her death took place in Kistormás on 10.01.1741.

Raab, Johann Gottfried of Leistadt in Hessen married Anna Maria Lenz in Kistormás on 10.04.1755.

Reichert, Johann Heinrich from Eschelbach in Hessen had a son baptized in Kistormás on 19.10.1755.

Richter, Maria Margaret of Mildelheim married Peter Wacher in Kistormás on 02.01.1753.

Ritter, Andreas from Reichlos in Hessen married Catharina Till in Kistormás on 28.01.1767.

 Rudolph, Heinrich came from Breitenbach in Hessen and married Susanne Weiss in Kistormás on 12.03.1764.  

Rumpf, Heinrich from Ziegenheim in Hessen married Anna Catharina Kirchner in Kistormás on 21.01.1772.

Sachs, Johannes from Burgsinn, Württemberg married Catharina Elisabeth Schmidt in Kistormás on 16.04.1765.

Schindler, Philip Heinrich was born in Delkenheim on 03.08.1702 the son of Christoph Schindler and his wife Anna Christine Nolte who married there on 20.10.1695.  He married Maria Elisabeth Derst in Kistormás on 14.06.1734.  He died in Kistormás on 13.03.1758.

Schley, Peter from Laubach in Hessen married Elisabeth Hecker in Kistormás on 22.02.1764.

Schmidt, Johann Nicolaus of Nordheim, Amt Schwarzenfels in Hessen married Anna Elisabeth Scholl in Kistormás on 22.05.1759.

Schneider, Johannes from Schwarz in Hessen Darmstadt married Anna Maria Braun in Kistormás on 05.06.1767.

Scholl, Johann Ludwig a widower from Gyönk who had arrived there from Wingershausen in Hessen married Anna Margaret Schmidt in Kistormás on 27.11.1753.

Stickl, Philip Reinhard from Nordstadt in Hessen Darmstadt married Anna Margaret Allrutz in Kistormás on 04.05.1751.

Sussmichl, Johann Peter from Werringen in Hessen married Maria Elisabeth Spangenberger in Kistormás on 19.05.1774.

Theiss, Philip and his wife Catharina Vogl of Dillenburg Hessen had a son baptized in Kistormás on 09.12.1726.

Thiering, Margaret of Burgfella in Hessen Darmstadt married Valentin Kiefaber a widower in Kistormás on 05.06.1764.

Vetter, Martin of Laubach in Hessen married Catharina Elisabeth Stemmler in Kistormás on 09.08.1764.

Vollnagel, Johann Michael the son of Johann Michael Vollnagel born in Gärtringen, Württemberg married Elisabeth Schönfeld in Kistormás on 19.02.1811.

Voltz, Johann Conrad of Langenselbold in Hessen married Catharina Lamann in Kistormás on 06.05.1760.

Walter, Johann Christoph from Reichlos in Hessen married Anna Margaret Birkenstock in Kistormás on 28.08.1788.

Wenzel, Johann Heinrich was born in Ortenberg, Hessen on 01.01.1702 where he married Maria Barbara Stein on 24.12.1727 before leaving for Hungary.

Wolf, Conrad born in Mosbach bei Wiesbaden around 1713 died in Kistormás on 24.12.1749.

Wolf, Johann Georg was born in Anstadt, Württemberg on 28.11.1751 and died in Kistormás on 29.11.1819.

Wolpert, Johann Christian of Dieburg married Anna Maria Haubel in Kistormás on 12.08.1755.

Ziegler, Michael from Ostheim in the Duchy of Hanau had a daughter baptized in Kistormás on 19.02.1757.

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